# Inoreader API Documentation
Inoreader API allows developers to interact with the Inoreader platform programmatically. This documentation covers all aspects of using the API.
## Overview
Millions of people use Inoreader to consume, share and organize content. The API enables content distribution at a level unavailable through other methods.
> [!important]
> API access requires an Inoreader Pro plan unless you're developing publicly available apps on platforms where Inoreader isn't available.
## Core Components
### Authentication
- [[Inoreader OAuth Authentication|OAuth Authentication]] - Primary authentication method
- [[Inoreader App Authentication|App Authentication]] - For application identification
- [[Inoreader Error Handling|Error Handling]] - Authentication and other errors
### API Methods
1. [[Inoreader User Information|User Information]]
2. [[Inoreader Feed Management|Feed Management]]
3. [[Inoreader Stream Methods|Stream Methods]]
4. [[Inoreader Tag Management|Tag Management]]
5. [[Inoreader Rate Limiting|Rate Limiting]]
6. [[Inoreader Sort IDs|Sort IDs]]
### Technical Reference
- [[Inoreader API Endpoint|API Endpoint]]
- [[Inoreader Stream IDs|Stream IDs]]
- [[Inoreader Article ID Formats|Article ID Formats]]
- [[Inoreader Error Handling|Error Codes and Handling]]
## Getting Started
1. [[Inoreader API Registration|Register Your Application]]
2. Review the [[Inoreader Rate Limiting|rate limits]]
3. Implement [[Inoreader OAuth Authentication|authentication]]
4. Start making API calls
## Support
For additional questions about integration, contact:
[email protected]